Saturday, April 25, 2015

Owl family

We have this super cool owl family in our yard. They swoop through the trees and hoot. Sometimes they sit close to the house and watch us. They seem as curious about us as we are about them!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Periscope Turtle

I've just never seen a turtle doing this before!
This is a big guy too, he was at least a foot long!


In my yard! On my deck actually, but I was too slow with the camera. I caught him exploring the yard though. He's been hanging around the neighborhood for a while apparently. Not sure what we'll do. One neighbor thought it was a wolf and animal control had to calm her down lol 

Friday, March 25, 2011

Baby Crane

This Sandhill Crane family was strolling by the side of my house this morning. What an adorable little fuzzball! I had to catch up with them by the pond to take pix, they are quick and don't seem to hang around one spot for too long.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

i like turtles

Totally surprised to see the Florida SoftShell Turtle walking down the street in front of my house.  It was about 12" big I think.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Sneaky Alligator

This bird was in the bush this way all morning. First I thought he was showing off his lovely feathers, then I thought he was stuck. Next time I checked he was gone, I was relieved until I zoomed in on the photo. See Mr Sneaky Gator back there? I hope he didn't make a snack out of this bird. Do alligators do that? I hope to see the bird tomorrow morning, I think he was a regular at the pond. If I zoom in all the way on the gator he looks hungry. And mean.

The Little Gator

Yeah. Little. I've seen the Big One and this ain't him. This is right across from my front door. I've only seen the big guy on the other side of the pond. I am getting a bit freaked out by the gators and blinding stickbugs today.